Tuesday, October 13, 2015


October 10, 2015
7:25 pm


Sometimes I awake to darkness across the horizon in dreams appearing real
Then the heat of your skin brings light to my lonely conscious
Leaving me shuttering at dawn
With another gentle reminder of what love is as I breathe the aroma of you
Suddenly my world becomes excited and free
Gingerly I hold you closers to my heart
While this love makes no sense
But I understand our love completely
Because your smile gave me hope
As I race to the sky
Where the stars sparkle and the moon shines
Behind the darkness
And I dream
Making impossible seen easy
As I lay next to you

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Day Dreaming

October 4, 2015
4:34 pm

Day Dreaming

Eyes close smiling
With endless thoughts
As I sit listening to birds sing your name
In conclusion
My thirst never dwindles
My hunger grows
As I lick between the spaces
From now to the next moment
With you

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Sentimental Agony

October 4, 2015
11:24 am

Sentimental Agony

Today is painful
Feelings of abandonment grip my body
There is no cure for the aches that ripple down my spine
I stand with the burden of proof pricking my heart
As my spirt wondered aimlessly
Today I sit in lamented agony
Waiting for tomorrow to erase loving you from my memory
The sweet devastation of suffering from heartbreak
Veined in echoed shadows dreams
Of my sentimental agony

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Pretty Poet

October 3, 2015
8:20 pm

Pretty Poet

I want a pretty poet
Beautiful and weak
Telling my hidden fears
Creating my fantasy
I need a pretty poet
Spitting untold lyrics
Songs in incomplete paragraph
I want your soul vomit
I crave a pretty poet
I need your failures
Exposing your hurts
I crave your successes
Water for my thirst
I want a pretty poet
Who taste like heaven
Prisoner of epic fairy tales
Naked in spirit
Raw enough to unlock hell
I need a pretty poet
Written in hue
Smooth as swallowed wine
Sensuous and wet
Quenching my thirsty mind
I want pretty poet
Writing my mornings
Covered in intentions
Stealing my heart
With your word dimension

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Blank Pages

October 3, 2015
7:31 pm

Blank Pages

I cant write this book without you
The pages read like a hollow stream in lifeless colors
Seemingly running dry
Words go unrecognized as I drop blotches of nothingness
To my empty script
Come back to me
I can't complete the chapters
Between the moon
And the sun
Not even air want to be there
If you're not present here
Unbinding glue loosen pages
Falling like disappearing dreams
As fear grips heart
This book is not complete
Without you
I am a peddle less rose
Looking for my stem and thorns
A breeze without oxygen
This book is full of ink
With many
Blank pages

Deborah R Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Love Quote #101

October 3, 2015
8:09 am

Love Quote #101

I never thought the impact of loving you would lead to war.
How can I surrender?

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Poetry Masterbation

October 1, 2015

Poetry Masterbation

I write as you
Stimulate my external
Moisturizing my thoughts
While I finger my pen
Letting my ink explode
Spreading across your white
I write
Remembering each pulsating strokes
Passing between outlines dreams
As I gasp for words
Reaching the peak
Of my verbs
I write
Hypnotic breathing
Needing a reading
I hunger for the feeding
I write
My mental internal
Open like an eagle
I wait for your return
Fingers flexing
My ego
Is all I know

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

The Response

October 1, 2015
8:11 am

The Response

And naked I will be
Raw as silk
Binding my thoughts
As they whisper past your
Delightful smile
My prudent heart has been
Set free with your assurance
Devour my thirst
Make love to my mind
While my soul explodes
Like running waterfall
As I lay masturbating
On your every word.
Make love to me

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker


October 1, 2015
7:26 am


She is beautiful when she sleeps
Wonders with fear when she's awake
Creates chaotic decisions in her dreams
She growls at love when she's hungry
Thirst for riches in poverty thoughts
Runs for freedom within her four walls
Screams in silence when peaceful water falls
Drowned by pain from the past
Fabricates false delusions to sooth her thoughts of maliciousness
She's a good girl
She's a winner
She's a priceless jewel
Who's fallen from heaven
Tainted and Broken

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

Love Letter

October 1, 2015
11:36 pm

Love Letter

Dear Lover,
Sometimes photograph memories hold themselves hostage
How I remember the days of loving you ever so tenderly
The perfect fingerprint caressing the vision of your beautiful smile
Traces the lines in this letter
My heart stutters at the sound of you whispering me pass my speechless
Lyrics transcending in dancing rainbows
And I'm in love
Each day
You marinate in my veins
Giving me reason and purpose
I laugh writing this letter as it bring joy to my conscious state
Of euphoric heaven
Leaving me submerged like a disease under the skin
And I'm in love
Each day
Becomes an amazing walk with paradise
All my desires are with you
All you dreams have been wrapped in a single star
Shooting across the moonlit sky
I'm in love
With every moment
Fluttering like a butterfly
In fields of tulips
Let this letter reflex
The words of my hidden emotions
Only my heart knows
I'm in love
With you


Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker