Sunday, March 25, 2018


March 26, 2018
2:01 pm
Love wants to kill me
when l think of you
butterfries appear
thoughts become unclear
dizziness sets in
Love's disease begin
words are spoken in whispers
I breathe only to be near her
my soul grows like a weed
her spiritual food, is what I need
and yet
Love wants to kill me
leaving self behind
with us in mind
emotions on high
my peace from the sky
lonely no more
you are all I adore
help me walk from loving the pain
of past heartbroken insanity's fame
let love forgive my flaws
future words that leak from my jaws
I love you from here to the end
purpose is my love to never bend
until then
my heart will remember ecstasy
love tries to kill me again
Deborah R Shaw
The Silent Stalker