Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Before this Day Ends

Before This Day Ends

Before this day ends
Let me reflect of all the memories 

I created of you and I in my head.
Before this day ends

Allow me to say you are 

My forever.

Before this day ends

I need you to live
Before this day ends

Let me touch you one last time
Before this day ends

Let me hold your heart
Before this day ends

Let me sing you sunshine
And warn nights
Before this day ends

Let me love you
Before this day ends

Let me pray for you
Before this day ends

As I close my eyes let my last thoughts be about you
Before this day ends

Always Know I love you
Before this day ends

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes, Somedays, I just can't you out of my head.