Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sweet Addiction

The sweetest thing I've ever known
I feel it all in my bones.
You have become a bad habit
I need you and got to have it.
Shoot you up in my veins,
To keep me from going completely
I'll snort you in my nose,
white or brown anything goes.
Put you under my tongue and let it melt
let me dream of how it felt
I'll roll you up and smoke you
Put you in a bong and inhale you.
Dip you in liquid so I can get higher
light me up and set me on fire.
Dry or with water, I will swallow you
one ain't enough, I got to have two.
I got to have you
I will do anything
I will sell my prize possessions
everything I own.
I would walk for miles to be with you,
You're my lover, my best friend, and my bitch
without you I have pains, I scream, I shake and itch.
So I seek you in me every hour of the day,
Don't leave my body is what I pray.
Feel lost without you
No rehab can cure me
Can't detox from you
Still craving you
My sweet addiction
Forever addicted to you

The Silent Stalker

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