Sunday, August 3, 2014

Imperfectly Perfect

Have you seen her
My woman
She has that
Tone in her skin
As smooth as butter

When she walk she sways
Ever so slightly

My woman has her own style
That makes the clouds move
So the raze of sun will shine
Just on her

Her  pride and self-esteem
Can made a lame animal strong
Yes she mine

I intelligence of and scholar
And the attitude of mother Theresa

She shows amazing strength in times
Of struggles with her undying faith

My lover who loves me unconditionally
Standing by my side loyal and true

Have you seen her
She is the one with the perfect curve
In her back that meets just right
With her behind all the way down
The muscle tone in her legs

Yes she my woman
Brave and courageous
Beautiful and gazing

She mine
From head to toe
Beginning to end

Have you seen her
My woman
Imperfectly perfect
Just for me.

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

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