Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thoughts 1:24 p.m.

Thoughts 1:24 p.m.

It's funny how I write about love all the time. I guess that's who I am. It's seems to stay just at the edge just beyond my   

reach. I seek you to be my pillow when I sleep but I wake with a stiff neck because you are not there. I can see my heaven  

yet my wings never appear to spread long enough to touch it. Building dreams of paradise through my writings stand like a 

wall between you and me. I'm still in love with love and everything about it. I become lost picking at fantasies in my mind. 

Stroking this pen again writing what I dream to become a reality through my pen. If I can give you hope that love can 

happen for you I know it can happen for me also. 

As I continue to write about my love

Love come back to me. I miss you, and we belong together.

I write this thought to you as I sit with me drinking coffee in the midday, waiting for you 

Deborah R. Shaw

The Silent Stalker

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