Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Dare You

June 22, 2015
7:58 pm

How Dare You

How dare you
Invite yourself
In my empty space
And lost dreams
Flowers and
Cool spring showers
Flushing my faded hopes
To unimaginable possibilities
I stand overwhelmed with your
Disease of
Moonlit sunsets
Warm streaming waterfalls
Packed picnics by the fireplace
In wintertime
How dare you
Lead me from the dry desert
Of emotional anguish
With your corrupt visible horizon
And honey tasting lips
Let me go
Let me be
How dare you
Love me
Want me
Wake me
Unlock my heart
Of emotional distress
Having me
Captured and tortured
Intrigued and in need
Caressing the yearning
As I bleed with broken veins
How dare you
Feed and care
For my hungry soul
Stand there and watch me
In love
With fearless understanding
Creating a space for what
My heart has adorn
How dare you

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker

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