Sunday, August 23, 2015

My Intentions

August 23, 2015
12:22 pm

My intentions 

I want to take your mind to a place of paradise 
Let it feel the comforts of laying down in clouds and hearing the concertos of a hummingbird whispers as it sings at early dawn
I want to give you the illusion of love caressing your skin while I create this magical dream of you and I hand in hand laughing as the breeze tickles our feet along the shore
Allow me to hold you in the beginning of spring while cherry blossoms show us how beautiful we can spread of love to each other
Let's take this ride of steamed perfect summers climbing through evergreen forests and white sand beaches. 
Kiss me when fall appears as the colors paint new moments remembered 
As we splash this canvas with passion 
Make love to me under the shaded window covered in snow as the screams and subdued moans leak from my pillows 
I maintain the ideal of you needing to be a wiling hostage in this crisis for love
The appeal to be held captive as I fight to keep you
My intentions are you 
With every thought that passes in me 
Let my thoughts be of how I can love you more
With every movement I make
Let each step to bring me closer to you
With every touch
With every song
I yearn for you to be there
Let my intentions be the reality my steps reflect 
As I walk in love with you

Deborah R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker 

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