Sunday, February 9, 2014

New journey

This is for those of you who don't see the light at the end of the tunel.
This is for the people who are losing hope.
This is for the people who believe they can not change.
This is for the Dreamers

This poem is for my friend Mark Jenkins who has had his share of battles and persevered
You have taught me that the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
This is for you my Friend.
I love you.

My New Journey

I'm not saying it anymore.
I'm just doing it now
I'm not staying in the same place
My spirit has done its time here and it is time for me to grow and move on.
I can see clearly the new journey ahead.
I have been preparing for this moment without knowingg it.
But today my spirit is ready and I am willing.
With my mind Clear
And my new path laid before me
I take the first step forward.
No time to look back
Time step at a time I will move.
No matter if I stumble
And I am bound to fall
But if I have to crawl,
I shall continue to move forward.
I know I can get there if I choose
Holding on to the light I see Far Far ahead of me.

But I shall get there
Hold on
Grab on
Hang on

I'm on my way.

D.R. Shaw
The Silent Stalker.

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